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Gatesworth Stories —

Golden Years: The Gatesworth
Providing Choices and Resources to Find Joy

Making the most of your golden years can be tricky. Homeownership comes with responsibilities and maintenance, but a senior living community may seem like too much of an unknown. The Gatesworth offers the potential for older adults to tackle an exciting new lifestyle while enjoying a bit of pampering thanks to its amenities and resources. “Independent living means each of our residents is able to enjoy life on their own terms,” executive director Carrie Montrey notes. “We hear all the time from residents whose only regret in choosing The Gatesworth is that they wish they had done it sooner.”

At The Gatesworth, the key to a vibrant experience is giving their residents the choices and resources to find joy in living. The community offers a wide variety of classes and clubs, ranging from fitness and gardening to French and chess. The options are engaging, offering opportunities for social connection, physical activity and more. “We make it possible for residents to easily embrace life their way,” Montrey says. “They take classes, attend concerts, learn new hobbies or even just enjoy reading in their apartment. And our highly trained staff—from doormen and fitness instructors to wait staff and housekeeping—make sure that the quality of life our residents want is right outside their door.”

Residents are further empowered to enjoy their experience thanks to the amenities and services the community offers. It has three on-site restaurants, a barbershop and beauty salon, a Central Bank in the lobby and 24-hour security. Life at The Gatesworth also means that the hassle of home maintenance is no longer an issue. “No more lawn care, appliance repair and household chores,” Montrey explains. “Not only do we take care of the exterior and interior common spaces and grounds, but we also provide housekeeping for residents. We’ll dust, vacuum and take out the trash—which means residents have more time to do what they really want to do.”

Floyd Lewis smiling.

For resident Floyd Lewis, the move to The Gatesworth was an easy choice. He was introduced to the community through an open house event. While there, he connected with a member of the resident ambassador program—an initiative that connects passionate members of The Gatesworth community with new and potential residents. “I learned more about The Gatesworth and its owners,” he says. “The staff is splendid. Everyone is so welcoming and knowledgeable. The facilities are top notch, and it’s such an elegant environment. All those things drew me to make the move.”

Lewis has been at The Gatesworth for six months, and he has already become a resident ambassador himself. While he enjoys taking advantage of the amenities—from the dining options and car service to weekend concerts and the state-of-the-art fitness center—what truly has made his experience an exceptional one is the community he has found. “I love the sense of camaraderie between the residents,” he notes. “The staff also is extremely friendly and helpful. The ownership has a strong presence, which is meaningful because you know they care about the day-to-day operations. At The Gatesworth, I can stay busy, and in a few short months, I’ve already become part of a community.”

Text based on an interview by Stephanie Wallace in Town&Style

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